Saturday, February 18, 2012


One of the things about heaven that I don't have to try to imagine is singing with a multitude from every tribe, tongue and nation. I grew up in a church where we experienced that piece of heaven every Sunday; where the flags of at least 40 nations flanked the backlit cross - flags representing members of the congregation from different countries, who came to be one in this sun-dappled sanctuary in Manila.

The problem with that awesome, wonderful experience is that I've been looking for it ever since I left home and country. No matter how "international" the church I've tried, there's not been that flavor of celebrating each other's diversity and at the same time being one family.

I know I'm wrong to look for it, that in a way it becomes a form of idolatry to long for this wherever I go to worship. But I can't help being homesick as much as anyone can help looking for something to fill that God-shaped vacuum in our hearts, right?


...and on another note, it'll be Ash Wednesday this week. I haven't prepared anything for 7 Wednesdays yet, but I know that God has. Watch your inbox for whatever He moves me to write during this Lenten season!

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